Access the largest collection of AAA and Indie titles available through programs such as Steam, Origin, Green Man Gaming, and Humble Bundle. With a custom PC provided through WASD Foundation, you’ll experience gaming at resolutions of 1080p …

Access the largest collection of AAA and Indie titles available through programs such as Steam, Origin, Green Man Gaming, and Humble Bundle. With a custom PC provided through WASD Foundation, you’ll experience gaming at resolutions of 1080p at 60+ frames per second, all the way up to 4K.

Design websites, learn to code, or even develop digital music using the world’s #1 free online resource, The Khan Academy. Develop, grow, and refine skills that will help you better equip yourself for a seamless integration into the civilian workfor…

Design websites, learn to code, or even develop digital music using the world’s #1 free online resource, The Khan Academy. Develop, grow, and refine skills that will help you better equip yourself for a seamless integration into the civilian workforce.

With a custom PC you have access whole new communities with fellow gamers, artists and developers with programs such as Discord. Check our Social platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to stay up-to-date on our current projects, sponsors…

With a custom PC you have access whole new communities with fellow gamers, artists and developers with programs such as Discord. Check our Social platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to stay up-to-date on our current projects, sponsors, and everything else we’re up to.

With access to technology, a support network, two scoops of motivation and a scoop of perseverance, nothing can stand in your way. Whether it’s dealing with stress through gaming, connecting with family and friends on the web, taking online college …

With access to technology, a support network, two scoops of motivation and a scoop of perseverance, nothing can stand in your way. Whether it’s dealing with stress through gaming, connecting with family and friends on the web, taking online college or vocational courses, or starting an online business, technology is a resource every veteran should have access to.